Introduction: Bee Vs Waps Checkers Game

About: A 16 year old Grade 12 student from Nigeria that loves anything related to engineering, mechatronics 3d designing nature and just creating and innovating in general.

Hello!! my name is hope I'm a Grade 12 student of reomichs High school.

This is my entry for the game design challenge .been a fan of chess, checkers and also a fan of nature ,motivated me to think of a new design for the chess and checkers game . after my taught and imaginations about the game moves i realis that their really need to be a change in the game rules(HOPE RULES).

Pleas read: I really like to use the Fusion 360 software if i had it but currently i don't.


In other to start designing the game This game(Bee and wasp checkers): we will need the following tools which are :

  • Autodesk (fusion 360/tinkercad)
  • A 3D printer
  • CNC Laser-Cutting Machine

Step 1: Design the Game Bee Board

1# In other to design the the bee checkers board i had to import an hexagon shape to the work space and then adjust the size to the appropriate size that i need to bee

2# import another hexagon shape and reduce it size then you align it to the center of the larger hexagon tilting to an angle of 30 degree

3# mirror the hexagon at the center of the large hexagon round the bigger hexagon

4# make all the small hexagon hole then u group it with the bigger hexagon

Step 2: Design the Bee Pieces

while design the bee pieces make the bee pieces a yellow color so as to indicate that it a bee piece that.

Step 3: Designing the Wasp Pieces

Step 4: Design the Queen Bee

Step 5: Design the Queen Wasp

Step 6: Get the Game Ready

get the game ready by printing it or cnc cutting it and when it is ready have fun with it new feeling.