Introduction: Very Manly Beer Keg Welding Helmet

About: Failure is not the opposite of success, it's part of success.

Like I said many times before: beer is a great source of inspiration to me.

So instead of throwing away those nice empty beer kegs, I just keep on piling them in my workshop - our living room is full, and there's a kind of 'wife imposed veto' in the sleeping area - in the hope that one day I would have a great idea for it.

Past week I had to weld some stuff, and since I loaned my high-tech welding mask to a friend I decided to upgrade a pair of welding goggles to a real mask.

With a beer keg!

Want a very funny & easy project?

Here's one, enjoy!

Want more beer projects? You'll find it here!

Step 1: Empty That Keg!

Quite obvious, and what a great excuse to boose!

Note: it works with other brands also - this one is just to please the overseas members ;)

If it's Heineken: no need to drink it, just cut it right away. And prepare yourself on a beer shower.

Step 2: Dismantle

Use an angle cutter to cut the keg in two pieces the way I did, and throw nothing away.

I wanted it to look as natural as possible, so I kept the plastic hardware of the outside in place - less labour, more awesomeness.

Exit the rubbish from the inside.

Anyone who knows what's that black cat-litter-like stuff that I found in the white canister? Is it smokeable? Kiddiiiiiiiing!

Step 3: Clean It Up

Those edges are razorsharp, so take some time to hammer them correctly.

And also, plying the edges makes it all a lot stronger. Before it was like wobwobwob, now it's ... let's say different, but stronger.

Step 4: Reconfigurate

Pictures say a lot more than words.

To resume: the one goes into the other, and nice rivets keep this marriage tight. Riveted from the inside to the outside. Also obvious, but real crafmanship lies in the detail. Even when it's just a beer keg mod.

Bend the keg bottom backwards so that it will stay nicely in place when you lever the helmet to see what you've done - welders do this, often.

Step 5: Insert Goggles

Cut down a pair of cheap welding goggles (mine costed only 5 bucks - just be sure they're appropriate for the type of welding you have to do) & put them on your nose.

You only have one big rectangular screen? Go for one big rectangular screen! More visibility, less awesomeness.

Put then the helmet on your head & bend forward. The goggles will fall into the mask and it's up to you to keep them in place because thàt's where they need to be. Mark the contours, find the center & use a clock drill to make two nice holes in the front of the helmet.

If you find a better way: go ahead. This worked perfectly for me.

Rivet them - don't forget the washers - and voilà: you've got a real beer keg welding helmet!

Dirty & effective, yeah!

Step 6: Go Welding Some Stuff

Or scare your neighbours.

Enjoy - you'll be suprised how comfortable it is, really!


It would be cool if this helmet would become the standard headgear for the Belgian Special Forces - yes we have those, I think. Just don't ask me what makes them so special.

They would use another - more local - brand, naturally. Jupiler Tauro would be nice. Jupiler Tauro is yummie.

I mentioned the name, TWICE, so where's my free keg?

And with a flame thrower in the existing pump system.

Or tear gas. Our police forces like that. Especially when they're face to innocent demonstrators.

Gonna have to start some lobbying.

Or not.