Introduction: Human Meniscus

Through Ms. Berbawy's Introduction to Engineering course, I was able to use the tools she provided to make a prototype of what can be the future of human evolution.

Want to have to your own personalized replacement body parts?

If Yes, then follow these steps to have your own meniscus.

  • Meniscus: the shock absorber of the knee, it's the cushion that keeps our knees running smoothly, like butter.


The idea for this project came through football. As a high school football player my self, I realized that this sport does a lot of damage to one's knees. The injuries could vary from MCL tear to Meniscus tear. In case the meniscus was the best option to focus on because a meniscus tear is more severe, it could never be the same. As a result making a new one from scratch would be a good idea.

Step 1: How to Get Started

To get the 3D model of the meniscus one could use two methods:

  • Use 3D scanner
  • Use pictures from ct scans and then use software to convert the files to the 3d model

Method used: 3D scanner

  1. Use the scanner to get a 3D model of the meniscus.
  2. Use mesh mixer to convert/trim the model.
  3. Upload file to TinkerCAD:
    1. Use TinkerCAD the to cut unnecessary parts from the scan.
    2. Export file in .stl format.

Step 2: Materials

  • SE3D rebel mini
  • 22mm Petri Dish
  • 22 gauge needle
    • To make sure pulronics flows consistently
  • Pulronics
  • 5-10 ml syringe

Step 3: Preparing the Stl for Printing

  • Upload the g-code for the printer material (to do this, click on the settings, and then click on upload printer configuration file).
  • Now go back to display and click on export g-code.
  • Lastly, upload the .stl to the slicer (software to convert the the .stl file into g-code).

Step 4: Downloading Pronterface

  • Go to and click on Log In in the top right corner and register.
  • Once you have registered, you will get a confirmation email with a link to activate your account. After you activate your account, you will have access to Startup Guide and Troubleshooting sections.
  • On the portal main site, scroll down to Teacher Resources and click on Startup guide. Select the r3bEL mini folder and navigate to “Programs to Download section” and depending on the operating system of your computer download the PC or macOS folder by clicking on it.
  • Once the zip file is downloaded, extract the contents to a folder where you want the program to reside.
  • Locate the Pronterface application and double click to open this program.

All information from SE3D rebel mini start up guide.

Step 5: Starting Print

  • Once pronterface is downloaded to the computer, upload the file from where its saved.
  • Then prep the printer.

Step 6: Setting Up SE3D Rebel Mini

  • Maker sure that the r3bEL mini bioprinter is connected to your
    computer via USB and open the Pronterface program.

  • Home the bioprinter using the Home All button.

  • Fill a 5 mL syringe with pulronics. Load the syringe in the extruder.

  • Prime the syringe, to do that manually extrude in small increments using the “Extrude 5 mm” or “Extrude 1 mm” button until lotion is pushed out of the needle tip.

  • Set the Z0 position using the Set Z0 custom button. Manually move the bioprinter bed using
    the Z axis control buttons until it is almost in contact with, but not touching, the needle tip. Verify the positioning by sliding a piece of paper between the needle tip and bed. Adjust the bioprinter bed until the piece of paper can slide between the needle tip and bed with only minimal resistance, then click the Set Z0 button.

  • Click on print and wait for a new body part to be made.

All information from SE3d rebel mini start up guide.