Introduction: Bike From Waste Materials

About: ☮️❤️➕

This is a project which make use your old or waste electronic materials.

Things you will need :

  • 2 bolts
  • small iron rod
  • electronic parts from old CFL bulb
  • super glue(cyanoacrylate adhesive/instant adhesive )
  • other waste electronic materials
  • eraser

Step 1: Making Frame

Draw a line an a paper and keep 2 bolts and glue iron piece.And make the frame like a cycle.

Step 2: Fixing Body Parts and Engines

Glue old electronic parts in frame to make seat exhauster steering head light etc.

Step 3: Finish

Check if you want to fix any more accessories on your bike and finish it.Your bike is ready.

Soldering Challenge

Participated in the
Soldering Challenge

Car and Motorcycle Contest

Participated in the
Car and Motorcycle Contest

Metal Contest

Participated in the
Metal Contest