Introduction: Bio Slides - PowerPoint Designs & Skills

Don't waste your time making boring presentations😫! If you are writing a bio, write it professionally. Follow these steps to make your bio slides unique and professional with your PowerPoint skills😍.


  • PowerPoint
  • A persistent and determined personality

Step 1: Circle

1) Insert a circle from the Shapes icon

Step 2: Duplicate Circle

1) Duplicate the circle twice

2) Hold Ctrl and drag

Step 3: Big Circles

1) Select the last 2 circles

2) Increase the size

Step 4: Image

1) Copy image

2) Right click the last circle

3) Select Format Shape

Step 5: Format Shape

1) Select Picture or texture fill

2) Under Picture source, select Clipboard

Step 6: 2nd Circle

1) Change the color of the second circle, if desired

2) Type in the text

Step 7: First Circle

1) Change the color of the 1rst circle, if desired.

Step 8: Duplicate Slides

1) Duplicate the slide:

  • Right click the slide and Select Duplicate slide


  • Ctrl + D

2) On the duplicated slide, expand the first circle to make it cover the whole slide

Step 9: Align

1) Go back to the original slide

2) Select the 3 circles **Select the objects entirely. It will not be selected unless you select the whole object!!**

3) Select Arrange-->Align --> Align Center

Step 10: Background

1) Change the color of the original slide's background, if desired.

Step 11: Transitions

1) Go to the Transitions menu

2) Select Morph

Step 12: DONE!!!

Look at your beautiful PowerPoint design and transition!!!

Download my example to see how it should've turn out.