Introduction: Biscuits to Mcmuffins.

About: Bytesize articles instead of a trilogy in one post.
You do not have to get dressed early in the morning to have a classic favorite. Stay at home and save some gas.  Once you have done this instructable, you will see that you can make breakfast in under two minutes (unless you want to make the gravy, but that does not take that long) if you have a supply of biscuits, mayonnaise (or mustard), sandwich meat rounds, and cheese.

This has become one of my favorite geek snacks. Quicker than pizza and has some chat about value.  Also great for unexpected overnight company. Everyone can become a part of the mass production.

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See also:

Step 1: What's Needed:


2 cups flour (all purpose or whole wheat)
1/3 cup oil
2/3 cup buttermilk
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
Pinch of salt.

1 - 2 eggs per Mcmuffin.
1 tsp water per Mcmuffin.
1 small dab butter per Mcmuffin.
1 slice cheese per unit (or make your own)
1 slice luncheon meat per unit
Mayonaise. (Tons of instructables on making home made mayonnaise)

Stove capable of supporting 425 degrees F.
Microwave proof egg containers
Biscuit cutter
Medium to large cookie sheet pan.
Large sturdy wooden spoon
Rolling pin or equivalent.
1 mini food processor
Large bowl to combine measure
1 tsp measuring spoon
1 cup measuring cup
1 tbl measuring spoon

Step 2: Getting Ready and Mixing It Up.

Preheat oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit.

In the large mixing bowl add the dry ingredients (salt, baking powder, baking soda, and flour)
stir around to evenly distribute them.

Take the cup and fill it one third full of oil. Does not have to be perfect but close is important. Fill the rest of the cup with buttermilk. Pour that into the flour mixture. Stir it all until it becomes a dough and is in a ball. Do not over mix.

Take the ball and spread it out evenly as much as you can on a prepared counter, You can either use your hands like I do or use the rolling pin.  Use a biscuit cutter ( I use a tin can with both ends removed) to make biscuit dough shapes Put in the baking pan. Between the oil and the buttermilk, you should not have to grease the pan. Though it would not hurt to do it is the first time you do this recipe.

Note: I used whole wheat flour instead and that accounts for the darker color dough in the next step).

Step 3: Cooking Time.

By this time the oven should be ready. Notice the time. Put the cookie pan in the oven. Keep an eye on the biscuits so they does not burn. Should not take more than 12 minutes at most.

Watch carefully!! The edges of the biscuits will plump up and turn brown. After 10 to 12 minutes put on the cooking mitt and remove the cookie pan.

Note: Biscuit cutter was made from a small mushroom can. 

Step 4: Wait a Few Minutes and Start on the Egg Mcmuffin.

Yes, put the cookie pan on top of the stove or somewhere safe from the hot bottom of the cookie pan so the biscuits can cool and rest a bit.

While that is cooling, lets put together the other parts. If you want to make your own cheese, see I will probably use just a slice of store bought cheese for this set up. Take the slice of cheese and cut it with the biscuit cutter. Do the same with the luncheon meat.

Note: I probably could of made the biscuits a bit bigger and thicker.

Step 5: Making the Egg.

Get your microwave safe little bowl and crack one egg. then add one teaspoon of water plus a dab of butter. Stir well.

Cover the egg container, but do not seal it closed. Cook in the microwave about 45-50 seconds per egg.  Your microwave may vary.

The egg should be well cooked and firm.

Step 6: Make the Sandwich.

Take one of the biscuits and slice it into two disks so to speak. Add mayo, mustard, or whatever on the inside sides of the biscuit. Add the micro-waved egg, meat, and cheese. MMMM goody goody!

Coming Soon: Beat the cost of a fast food hamburger.

Step 7: Bonus.

if you like biscuits and gravy like I do, if you have time you may want to go one step further.

Take several slices of bacon or other meat that will make grease when you fry it.
Fry the meat, but keep the stove on. (substitution: take solidified fat, lard, or butter)
Remove the meat (if you did not use the fat or butter) and put on some paper towels.
Remove all the oil except for about a tablespoon and a half.
Add about a tablespoon and a half of flour. mix well with a heat proof whisk. till it is light brown.
Add a cup or so of milk.
Stir till you get a nice thick brown slurry.
Add a little black pepper and mix it in.
Pour  the mixture on the biscuits.
Crumple the fried bacon on top. (if you fried the bacon)
Eat and you are in high heaven.

Step 8:

Biscuits do not have to be round. You can make them any shape you want.