Introduction: Blue Mini Flip-flop Crochet Bookmark

About: I am Michelle from Kenya with love. I love DIY projects and more so those around knitting and crochet. I am also an avid book lover, poet and book promoter.

Difficulty level: easy

This is a really easy 3D bookmark to create to add so umph to your books and your reading life. Also doesn't take much time to finish one. After you've finished one you'd want to make other color variations like I am now. I hope you love it and have fun making it.

Feel free to ask questions if you need further clarification.


ch- chain

sc - single crochet

hdc - half double crochet

dc - double crochet

sl st - slip stitch

sts - stitches

inc - increase

( ) means in one stitch

* times

Pattern Notes:

ch 1 doesn't count as st.


  • 2 mm crochet hook
  • Two different shades of blue yarn (4ply held in double)
  • Ribbon, it's length and width to your preference. I used 2.5 cm by 36.5 cm long
  • Paper clip
  • Sewing needle
  • Scissors

Step 1: Row 1

With dark blue yarn ch 11

(sc inc), 4 sc, 4 hdc, (5dc), 4 hdc, 4 sc, (sc inc), sl st.

Step 2: Row 2

ch 1, (sc Inc)*2 , 6 sc, 2 hdc, (hdc Inc) *5, 2 hdc, 6 sc, (sc inc)*2 , sl st.

Step 3: Row 3

ch 1, (sc inc, sc) *2, 8 sc, (sc inc, sc) *5, 8 sc, (sc, sc inc) *2, sl st.

Step 4: Fastening Off and Tucking Ends

Fasten off. Cut yarn and tuck in ends.

Make 2

Step 5: Adding Ribbon

Attach ribbon with sewing needle to lower sole by insert it through a stitch hole, pull the ribbon through and secure it to the inner side of the sole with slip stitched.

Step 6: Adding Paperclip

Simply insert the clip through the stitches (as shown in the pic) and secure more with slip (sewing) stitch across the bar.

Step 7: Flip-flop Webbing

Leaving a bit of tail (will be used to secure this end to the inside of the sole), chain 22 with light blue yarn.

1. 10 sc, (3 sc), 10 sc

2. 1ch, 11 sl st, 3 ch, sl st (joining to outter side of upper sole as shown in pic), 13 sl st.

Step 8: Securing the Webbing

Secure the other ends of the webbbing

Step 9: Joining the Upper Sole to the Lower Sole

Using light blue yarn join the bottom sole to the top sole with sl sts. Sew in ends.

Step 10: Voilà

Voilà !

And you're done. Make different color variations and enjoy your mini slipper bookmark.

After using paperclips I think now I prefer that way now. Which do you prefer?

Colors of the Rainbow Contest

Participated in the
Colors of the Rainbow Contest