Introduction: Blueberry Smothered BBQ Duck

About: A fitness Instructor, active mother of 3

Impress your better half with this simple, sexy dish!

Only made for 2 and it doesn't take much time to prepare this restaurant style dish.

Having never made duck breast before, possibly because I'm not into game, I decided to try it.

Wow was I surprised! The blueberry sauce is dark, rich and luscious without sweetness.....

See if you like this one.....

Step 1: Ingredients & Marinating

2 duck breasts

1 tsp paprika

1/2 tsp salt & pepper

Blueberry Sauce:

1 pint washed, picked through blueberries

1 tsp rosemary, fresh or dried

1/4 cup white wine

pinch of salt

Score the breasts as pictured.

Sprinkle with seasonings and marinate for 1/2 hr or over night if you have time.

Place on a hot grill or BBQ skin side down and grill for 8-10 min. until skin is crispy and slightly blackened.

Turn over and cook for another 5-8 min

*Use the lesser time if you want pinkness*

Step 2: Blueberry Sauce

Add the ingredients to a small saucepot.

Bring to a boil. Skim off any foam.

Reduce and lightly boil for 5-8 min.

Cool slightly.


Diagonally slice the breasts and spoon the sauce over top

Enjoy with love!

Step 3:

Valentine's Day Challenge 2016

Participated in the
Valentine's Day Challenge 2016

Rainy Day Challenge

Participated in the
Rainy Day Challenge

Meal Prep Contest

Participated in the
Meal Prep Contest