Introduction: Bluetooth Controlled Rover With Dexter

Dexter board is an educational trainer kit that makes learning
electronics fun and easy. The board brings together all the necessary parts a beginner requires to change an idea to a successful prototype. With Arduino at its heart, a huge number of open source projects can be easily implemented directly on this board. Interactive features like on board LCD display, switches, motor drivers and LED's' help make development faster and debugging easier. Together with I2C and SPI pin outs, we have also integrated wireless protocols like Bluetooth on the board itself. This opens a whole spectrum of ideas to build creative IOT projects. Most importantly all these features are implemented on a single board thus all your projects are now portable, mobile and wireless. Dexter Board can be used in wide variety of applications for training and development in domains such as embedded systems, robotics, practical electronics education, electronic hardware development and more...

Here we use Dexter to make a Rover controlled by a smartphone using Bluetooth module HC-05.



Acrylic Base

Four Geared DC motor Wheel

Motor positioning Stencil

Mounting Screws

Connecting Wires

Four 9V Batteries

Step 1: Getting Started

Keep every thing at hand. If you want to print the acrylic body on your own use the diagrams provided

Step 2: Place Motors on the Base and Put the Screws

We have already grouped the wires for you. The Motors to the left are connected in parallel similarly for the right, check the wires with a battery to determine the direction of rotation

Step 3: Place the Batteries

Simply place the batteries as shown in the picture. The batteries are connected in parallel as shown in the picture

Step 4: Connect the Wires

Connect your wires to dexter as in the diagram.

Step 5: Mount Dexter and Connect Wires

Mount all the screw and dexter.

Step 6: Compile and Upload Your Program to Dexter

If you are using Arduino first time with Dexter then please install ch340g driver. Go to the link and follow the instructions Download Ch340g driver

Now Please download the given code to your Arduino IDE. Now, From tools select the board as Arduino Uno, and also select the your port at tools-->port Now compile and Upload the program

Please remember not to connect the HC-05 module when you are uploading the program.

Step 7: Connect HC-05

After uploading the program please connect the HC-05 module on to the dedicated slot in dexter

Step 8: Install Arduino Bluetooth RC on Your Smartphone and Have Fun

Install Arduino Bluetooth RC or any Bluetooth app and start playing!If you are using another app, Edit your Arduino code and change the direction keys to the keys used in that app

Step 9: Go Get Your Dexter!!!

Know more about dexter at

Get a dexter and start working on your cool projects :)