Introduction: Bluetooth Speaker Made Out of Waste P.c.b

Recently me and my friend went for a small trip, since it was vacation time for us. At that trip, we realized that none of us had a Bluetooth speaker, which was a huge mood spoiler for us, and it inspired me to make a powerful, compact and really unique speaker for myself, which resonates my love for electronics (since its made out of waste PCBs) so let’s build this DIY Bluetooth Speaker by following up this instructable post!


1. Electronics

2. Tools

  • soldering iron.
  • soldering wire.
  • hot glue gun.
  • wire.


  • cardboard.
  • scissors.
  • scale.
  • pencil.
  • rounder.
  • eraser.
  • clear tape.

Step 1: Watch Video!

Step 2: Connections Overview

lets get an overview of connections, which will make our further steps easy to understand and perform!

we need to get the audio signal from bluetooth via smart phone to audio receiver, but these signals are very small and cant be converted into sound wave if directly connected to speaker, so we need amplification which is provided by Class D amplifier with more than 90% efficiency by PAM8053 module, now this amplified signals are sent to right and left speakers via amplifier module, now this entire system is powered by 18650 ( lithium ion battery) which is charged using TP4056 module.

to conclude the connections,

Bluetooth Receiver:

Lout to L of Amp

Gnd to G of Amp

Rout to R of Amp

Vcc to + of Amp

Gnd to - of Amp


B+ to positive of battery

B - to negative of battery

out- to Gnd of Amp

out+ to Vcc of Amp via Switch

Step 3: Prepare the Power Amplifier Module

if you are new to soldering or electronics, i recommend you to go through this instructable first, it will help you go through the basics of soldering, next thing, before soldering everything, its a good idea to tin the connecting tips. (tinning means basically applying soldering wire on surface of contact using soldering iron.) to ensure better soldering joint.


  • clean the surface before soldering using rubbing alcohol .
  • tin the tips of contact.
  • cut the wire to length of 60mm.
  • strip ends of wire exposing around 2mm of wire.
  • tin the stripped ends of wire.
  • solder the wire to contact points on amplifier.

Step 4: Solder Amplifier and Receiver

we connect receiver and amplifier, so follow these


  • clean the contact surface using rubbing alcohol.

  • Tin the contact points on Bluetooth Receiver.

  • connect Rout of Receiver toR of Amplifier.

  • connect Gnd of Receiver to G of Amplifier.

  • connect Lout of Receiver to L of Amplifier.

  • connect Vcc of Receiver to + of Amplifier.

  • connect Gnd of Receiver to - of Amplifier.

Step 5: Solder Battery to Charging Module

we are using a lithium ion battery (18650) to power this system, it needs to be charged, but charging lithium ion batteries is not as easy as it looks, it requires constant current method to charge efficiently, which can be provided by TP4056 module, so follow these steps to connect the charging module to our battery.


  • clean the contact points with rubbing alcohol.
  • tin the solder pads on TP4056 module.
  • tin the Wire of Battery Holder.
  • connect the B+ to positive of Battery.
  • connect the B- to Negative of Battery.
  • connect Out- to the Gnd of Receiver.

Step 6: Add Switch

we need to switch ON or OFF the device when not in use to ideally save power, so we will add a switch in our system, also the thing to be noted here is the location of switch, we will connect switch between amplifier and battery, but the battery is always connected to our charging module, this is because one switch will be able to cut the power to circuit and also keep the battery from being used while charging.


  • tin the solder pads of Switch.
  • connect one end of switch to Out+ of TP4056.
  • connect the second end of switch to + of Receiver.

Step 7: Prepare the Enclosure Walls

since we are gonna use waste PCB's for our build, it wasn't actually build to be an enclosed wall, it has lots of holes, which might invite dust, humidity or any may be become home for insects, so we would use some tape to pack these holes up.


  • clean the surface of PCB using a tissue or cloth.
  • cut the tape to length more than PCB.
  • press down the tape properly ( overlapping won't hurt).
  • use hot glue gun to join 4 faces of walls.

Step 8: Cut Out Cardboard for Speaker Mount

i only had access to 4 PCB's, but if you have more PCB's, you should do this step using that material, but since i didn't had more PCB;s, i used Cardboard to make remaining two faces of this cube. follow the steps to complete this box walls.


  • measure the size of wall
  • cut the cardboard face according to that dimension.
  • measure the diameter of speakers.
  • mark the circle using rounder tool.
  • cut the circular slot using blade ( PLEASE BE CAREFUL AND WONT HESITATE TO ASK FOR HELP).

Step 9: Solder the Speaker Wire to Amplifier

before we stick everything together, its time to complete the soldering and then put everything together. follow these steps and complete the circuit part.


  • firstly tin the speaker pads.
  • solder the 4 speaker wires at Amplifier side.
  • solder the wires on speaker.

Step 10: Complete the Enclosure

we have to place the switch, volume knob, usb charger module in such a way that it can be accessed, which can be done by making slots for knob, switch and usb port. follow these steps to complete this enclosure.


  • glue the speaker on cardboard face using glue.
  • mark the position of knob on front face.
  • mark the position of switch on front face.
  • mark the position of usb port on front face.
  • cut all these slots using blade ( be careful with blade, don't be afraid to ask for little help).
  • connect all the faces on PCB cube, using Hot Glue.

Step 11: Enjoy the Music!

to start streaming music on this device, we need to establish a bluetooth connection between your smartphone and speaker, follow these steps to do so!


  • unlock your phone.
  • open settings
  • under wireless and network settings, open bluetooth settings.
  • switch ON bluetooth.
  • search for available nearby devices.
  • since we are using a bluetooth receiver made by "VIRE" brand, device name shows up as "VIRE BT", select this " VIRE BT " device and pair it with your phone.
  • allow access to media for this device.
  • go to any of your favorite music source and stream right away!

for demo, refer this video!

Step 12: Follow Us on Social Media!

say hello to us or tag us if you make similar project, we would love to hear any suggestions/ idea too!


this project is part of 1 hour challenge!, if you enjoyed this instructable or learnt something from it, please vote for it under 1 hour challenge!

Thank You!