Introduction: Bolly and My Kids

This is my first robot project with arduino and I it is based on this instructable:Basic Arduino Robot, Light Seeker!

The my surprise of this project is the interaction between a simple robot and my seven years old kids and the great interesting in my nine years old daughter.

Step 1: Circuit Diagram and Code


const int RightMotor = 12;
const int LeftMotor = 11;

const int RightSensor = 1;

const int LeftSensor = 2;

int SensorLeft;

int SensorRight;

int SensorDifference;

void setup() {

pinMode(LeftMotor, OUTPUT);

pinMode(RightMotor, OUTPUT);

pinMode(LeftSensor, INPUT);

pinMode(RightSensor, INPUT);

digitalWrite(A1, HIGH);

digitalWrite(A2, HIGH);


Serial.println(" \nBeginning Light Seeking Behavior");


void loop() {

SensorLeft = 1023 - analogRead(LeftSensor);


SensorRight = 1023 - analogRead(RightSensor);


SensorDifference = abs(SensorLeft - SensorRight);

if (SensorLeft > 500 && SensorRight > 500){

if (SensorLeft > SensorRight && SensorDifference > 75) {

digitalWrite(RightMotor, HIGH);

digitalWrite(LeftMotor, LOW);


if (SensorLeft < SensorRight && SensorDifference > 75) {

digitalWrite(RightMotor, LOW);

digitalWrite(LeftMotor, HIGH);


if (SensorDifference < 75) {

digitalWrite(RightMotor, HIGH);

digitalWrite(LeftMotor, HIGH);



if (SensorLeft < 500 && SensorRight < 500){

if (SensorLeft > SensorRight && SensorDifference > 75) {

digitalWrite(RightMotor, LOW);

digitalWrite(LeftMotor, LOW);




Step 2: Photos

Step 3: