Introduction: Book Binding DIY-Wedding Guestbook

About: Botanical tattoo artist specialising in Flora & Fauna tattoos

There are these few precious moments in life that after you'd capture them they MUST be actually printed and not stay hidden in a yellow folder of our PC,hide behind 10000 photos inside your phones and laptops or be lost somewhere on the photo hosting sites.
First Kiss...Young Love....Great Journey... A Wedding Day
All these captured moments deserve to have the honor of at least stay hidden inside a hand Bound Album that is made with love and care from A to Z to hold these unforgettable memories inside .
A piece of art that is completely customizable to your taste! Not a decorated ready-made album ,but one that is made from scratch especially by YOU!!
And what could be better than to have a Sign In book for your event that you also can scrap the photos taken at that event inside ?
Nearly nothing!!
So gather your supplies .

You'll need a :

  • book board
  • 2 large pieces of book cloth / thick gift wrap paper
  • X-acto knife
  • Elmers glue
  • ruler
  • pencil
  • rotary knife
  • hole punch
  • 2 book screws
  • 20-25 single inner pages for your book

Step 1: Cutting & Glueing the Boards

Cut 2 pieces of book board measuring 14.8cm W x 21 cm H (A5) and 3 pieces of book board measuring 3 cm W x 21 cm H
Cut a piece of book cloth or decorative paper measuring 46 cm W x 27.2 cm H
Apply Elmers glue on all the pieces of the book board and glue them on the book cloth/decorative papers with margins as follow-
leave 3 cm blank, then after glue one of the 14.8x21cm boards.
leave 3mm gap and glue one of the narrow boards.
leave 3mm gap and glue the seconds narrow board.
leave 3 mm gap and glue the third narrow board
leave 3 mm gap and glue the last wide 14.8 x 21 cm board
If you have a Xyron 9" Creative Station you can use it to apply side to side layer of adhesive on your book boards

Step 2: Making the Cover Beautiful

{Important Note: the first 5 pictures are showing the way you need to cut and fold the edges only ,BUT these are NOT part of the project we are doing now -your book cloth will be much longer for this binding!
Follow the pink cover for the correct view of how your project should look like}

Mark and cut the cloth diagonally at all four corners leaving a small gap for folding the cloth up on the board.
Apply stripe of glue on the edges of all the boards about 4 cm wide and fold up the book cloth around all edges
Now apply glue on all the boards again including the now folded book cloth leaving about 2 mm without glue at the edges
Cut another large piece of decorative paper measuring 39.1 cm W x 20 cm H for the end paper and glue it on the boards leaving about 0.5mm margins from all the edges
Gently score all the 'between boards' spaces for a nice crisp looking folder

Step 3: Making the Holes and Finishing the Book

Divide the height of your book by 3 and mark two dots in the exact center of the front and back of the narrow boards
Punch two holes in the front and two holes in the back (they MUST match so measure carefully otherwise the screw that goes through the upper board won't meet the matching bottom hole on the back board !)

Cut about 20-25 single inner pages sized to 17.6cm W x 20 cm H
Insert one page inside the cover about 0.5mm from the upper or lower edge of the cover and mark on it the distance of the holes we just punched in the book boards-we gonna use it as a template to punch all the inner pages
Punch out the two holes in each of the inner pages

Insert the pages inside the cover matching up with the holes on the cover and put in the book screws

Ta Da!!!! Now you have your own HANDMADE guest book and the beauty of this binding is that you can always add more pages to it if you find the need for it ,or reduce the amount!

Step 4: Decorate As You Wish!

The final step would be to decorate the front cover as your heart desires !!!

Good Luck & Congrats on your BIG DAY!!!
Bear Hugs from hiBOOK