Books/ZinesBy BakedBeads in WorkshopShelves96212 Keep old items out of the trash and turn them into something attractive, collectible, and useful!!!! Keep old items out of the trash and turn them into something attractive, collectible, and useful!!!! Upcycle Your Old CD Coversby thickneckarts in Books & JournalsRecycled T-Shirt Journal - With Donkey Kong, Harry Potter, and Other Nerdy Thingsby emilygraceking in Books & JournalsHand Stitched Mini Bookby Wynd in PaperSuper-Teeny-Tiny-Very-Very Small Composition Booksby TheSopherGopher in PaperMake a School Folder From a Cereal Boxby MatthewTaylor in PaperRecycled Material Composition Bookby phalanx447 in Reuse