Introduction: Wood Case for Raspberry Pi Model B and Power Supply Made From Wood Shims
Box that will hold the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B and its power supply made using cedar wood shims.
1. Raspberry Pi 3 Model B
2. Cedar wood shims
3. Wood glue
4. 3/4 inch Milwaukee Dole Dozer hole saw
5. Needle nose locking pliers
6. 1/2 inch, #4 wood screws
7. #1 Philips screwdriver/bit
9. Clamp
10. Carpenter pencil
11. 3/4 inch hinges
12. Hand saw
13. Rubber band
Step 1: Glue Wood Shims and Build Base
1. Glue 2 wood shims together to form a solid piece.
2. Create 2 pieces for the base, 4 for the long sides, 2 for the wide sides/interior dividers, 2 for the top. 10 total made up of 20 shims)
3. Once you have the pieces set up, take 2 of them and glue them together along the long edges to make a small platform for the motherboard.
Step 2: Screw Down Raspberry Pi Motherboard
1. Insert the Micro SD card with the Linux operating system into the slot on the underside of the motherboard.
2. Using four #4 screws, secure the Raspberry Pi to the 2 wood shims glued together.
3. Make sure the motherboard it offset so that the HDMI port side of the board is against the long edge on the outside of the wood shims and the USB ports are along the narrow edge
4. Make sure the screws are not tight to the point where the motherboard bends.
Step 3: Drill Holes
1. Take a wood shim and hold it on the HDMI port side of the motherboard.
2. Mark the positions on the wood shim of the audio out port, HMDI port and the Mini HDMI port with a pencil.
3. Attach the needle nose clamp pliers to the threaded end of the 3/4 inch Hole Dozer saw and lock the clamp down.
4. Using the 3/4 inch Hole Dozer saw, carefully drill out hole for each of the 3 ports. Do not use the arbor with the pilot bit so that the wood shim will not split.
Step 4: Line Up Holes and Glue
1. Line up the holes with the audio port, HDMI port and the mini USB port of the Raspberry Pi.
2. Once the holes are properly lined up, glue the shim to the side of the box using the clamp.
3. At the end, once it is glued, you may have to do a little sawing to make sure there is enough room for the plugs.
Step 5: Glue Wood Shim to Opposite Side
1. Use the clamp to glue another wood shim on the side opposite the HDMI port side.
Step 6: Add 2nd Level to Walls
1. Glue 2nd level of wood shims to the walls on both sides.
2. Use the clamp to hold it in place while it dries.
Step 7: Build the Top of the Box
1. Using 2 wood shims, glue them together on the long edge using the clamps to form the top.
Step 8: Measure and Cut Short Walls and Internal Separators
1. Measure the short walls and internal divider with the carpenter pencil.
2. Using the hand saw, cut them to the proper length so that they would fit in between the long walls.
3. Glue in the rear wall and the internal divider.
Step 9: Attach Top With Hinges
1. Using the 3/4 inch hinges, attach the top to the box opposite the USB/Network ports.
Step 10: Attach Box Top Latch Screws
1. Place the power supply into the rear compartment. Put the power cable in first so that it fits tightly into the storage comparment.
2. Using two of the #4, 1/2 inch screws, attach one in the top and one on the panel above the USB/Network ports.
3. Wrap the 2 screws with a rubber band to secure the lid.
4. Now you can carry both the Raspberry Pi along with the power supply in one box.