Introduction: Brickoven-Style Pizza at Home

About: I love Instructables but rarely get time to post anything.

This will probably be the yummiest, easiest pizza you have ever made. Not a cook? No worries! Just keep reading, beginner tips will be included to the greatest (reasonable) extent possible.

Step 1: Ingredients and Tools


Vegetable Oil

Pizza Toppings:

Shredded Mozzarella Cheese
Pizza Sauce
Canadian Bacon
Or Any of your Favorite Toppings


Cutting Board
Something to Mix the Dough (I used my trusty Cuisinart Mixer)
Something Round to Cut the Dough (I used the Cuisinart Mixer Lid)
Rolling Pin
Glass or Microwaveable Bowl for the Water
Paint Brush for the Sauce (Optional)
Flat Pan to put on the Grill (Optional)

Step 2: How to Make the Dough/Crust

Put 1-2 teaspoons of yeast, 1 tablespoon of sugar and 1and 1/2 cups of water in a microwave-safe container.  Stir gently and microwave for about a minute.

Note: While the microwaving of yeast is not necessary, it does insure that your yeast is good and the warmth makes the dough easier to roll.

When it is done microwaving, set a lid or plate on top and let it sit for about 5 minutes.  You should see yeasty bubbles rising to the top.  Mix yeast water with 2 cups of flour.  Pour 1-2 tablespoons of vegetable oil on top and mix again.  Now it should be the consistency of dough.  If it is too runny, add small increments of flour and mix.  If it is too thick, add a little water or oil.

Flour your surface (cutting board) lightly with flour or corn meal and place the dough on it.  Flatten as possible with your hands, and then roll it out with your rolling pin.

Now cut it into the proper shape.  While you could do this with a knife, scissors, or even your hands, I prefer to do it with a nice round lid for consistency.  Remember that you are making this on the grill, so it will probably be easier to make small pizzas.  If you do it like I do, place your lid/whatever-you-use in the corner of your rolled dough and press down firmly.  You may need to jiggle it from side to side or in a circular motion to get the dough to let go.  Now pick up your dough slice and place it on your pan or on the table.  Make as many more of these as you will need.  One batch of dough will probably make about 6-8 6-inch pizza crusts.  You may have to make more dough.

Step 3: Pizza Toppings

You can use (basically) anything you want for this step.  I use the following ingredients:

Pizza Sauce
Shredded Mozzarella Cheese
Canadian Bacon

Start by using your paintbrush (or spoon or whatever) to spread the pizza sauce on your crusts.  Then sprinkle the cheese on top. 

Now for your other toppings.  For pepperoni, place them on the pizzas, or chop them up and sprinkle them on your cheese.  For Canadian bacon and pineapple, again, you can simply place them or, as I prefer, chop the pineapple and Canadian bacon and sprinkle on the cheese.

Step 4: Grill the Pizza

Turn your grill on high and place your pizza pan on the on the grill.  Cook for about 20 minutes, but don't leave it unattended for too long.  The trick to brick oven pizza on the grill is to leave the grill lid on as much as possible.  So don't leave your pizza alone, but don't lift the lid more than necessary.

Step 5: Serve

Take off the grill and serve your delicious brick oven pizza that you easily made on the grill!
Pizza Contest

Finalist in the
Pizza Contest