Introduction: Buffalo Chicken Dip

Ever wanted a quick, easy, great tasting appetizer which your guests will LOVE?  Well, this is a recipe you will want to keep!  You can whip this together in under 15 minutes and with just a short time in the oven provide your party guests (or hungry Super Bowl crowd) with a great tasting, easy appetizer.  What’s even better is you can customize or adapt this recipe to some similar pantry items you may have AND make it as hot and spicy as your palette might enjoy!!  So, what are you waiting for?  Let’s get started!!

Disclaimer: Use utmost care, caution, and common sense when performing these steps – BE SAFE!  Always follow proper food handling techniques such as can be found here from the USDA:  Always follow manufacturer directions regarding the safe operation of your oven.  Make sure to use caution and use protective gloves when handling hot objects from the oven.  Author will not be responsible for any injuries and/or death to anyone during the completion of this instructable.  Author will not be responsible for any property damage or mishaps during the completion of this instructable.

Step 1: List of Materials

1. Shallow baking dish
2. Mixing bowl
3. Fork or spoon for mixing
4. Measuring cups
5. Oven mitts/gloves
6. 1 – 8oz. cream cheese, softened (use any brand – and can also use fat free!)
7. 2 – 9.75oz. cans premium chunk chicken breast, drained (can also use turkey!)
8. ½ cup red hot sauce (can also reduce or increase this to your taste – careful, hot stuff!)
9. ½ cup ranch dressing
10. Nacho chips or crackers of your choice (our favorite is nacho chips!)

Step 2: Directions

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees
2. Gather ingredients and soften cream cheese
3. Drain chunk chicken
4. Stir softened cream cheese in bowl until smooth
5. Stir in remaining ingredients
6. Break up chunk chicken pieces
7. Spread in shallow baking dish
8. Bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes or until hot and bubbling
9. Using oven mitts/gloves – CAREFULLY remove from oven
10. Stir
11. Serve with nacho chips or crackers of your choice
12. Enjoy!!

Step 3: Preheat & Gather

Preheat oven to 350 degrees
Gather ingredients and soften cream cheese

Step 4: Drain Chicken

Drain chunk chicken

Step 5: Stir Cream Cheese

Stir softened cream cheese in bowl until smooth

Step 6: Stir in Remaining Ingredients

Stir in remaining ingredients

Step 7: Break Up Chunk Chicken Pieces

Break up chunk chicken pieces

Step 8: Spread in Baking Dish

Spread in shallow baking dish

Step 9: Bake @ 350 for 20 Min.

Bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes or until hot and bubbling

Step 10: CAREFULLY Remove

Using oven mitts/gloves – CAREFULLY remove from oven

Step 11: Stir, Serve, ENJOY!

Serve with nacho chips or crackers of your choice