Introduction: Build Your Own Batteries!
Have you ever wanted to make your own batteries? I will show you how to make one using ordinary household items.The batteries are very small, and to power bigger things, You may need to make more and connect them.
Batteries. Needed for just about every electronic project, electronics revolve around them. But think about it, What happens once they lose their power? You throw them away, just like all 7 billion of us on earth. These batteries are building up in our landfills, so I set myself to find out how to reuse them.
It all started when I saw that instructables was holding a Green Electronics contest, I thought to myself, "What could be more green than DIY Batteries from everyday parts?!?!? This project is very environmentally beneficial, as it takes a dead battery and turns them into a new one, preventing the creation of electronic waste. The possibilities are endless on this concept (stronger batteries, tiny batteries) and just think of what it would be like if everyone on this planet was able to recycle old batteries. If you think this is a good idea, please vote in the green electronics contest.
To Build this, You will need
- Water
- Carbon Rod
- Zinc strip
- Wires
- Empty spice container
- Hot Glue gun
- Salt
- Something small powered by small batteries
- Thats all you need to make your own battery!
I will teach you how to get a carbon rod. Foil can be used as a substitute for the Zinc strips
Step 1: Get Carbon Rod
To get a carbon rod, You can take apart a non alkaline battery. Generally the batteries will say "super heavy duty" or "heavy duty" Never Ever take apart the one that says Alkaline.
These kind of batteries are known as "Dry Cells" and They work by converting chemical energy into electricity. Most of the time they consist of a Carbon Rod (what we need) surrounded by moist electrolyte paste. Heres the parts in a dry cell.
Anode (Negative): Zinc
Cathode (Positive ): Carbon coated with MnO2
Electrolyte: Mixture of plaster of Paris, Ammonium Chloride and Zinc Chloride
To take it apart, You need to use needle nose pliers to peel off the outer layer of the battery Next use a knife to cut off the top of the battery. Once its off, you will see the top of the carbon rod, slowly pull until the carbon rod is out.
Step 2: Foil
Now your going to need your Zinc strip (anode)
I used aluminum foil, which will work the same as a a zinc strip. What you need to get a sheet of foil about 5x5 inches. Fold it Hotdog style and then roll it up so its around the same size and length as the carbon rod.
Step 3: Drill Hole
Drill a whole the size of the carbon rod so it fits snug. Place the carbon rod into one of the hole leaving about 1/2 an ince sticking out from the top
Now do the same for the foil strip
Step 4: Glue in Place
Glue the two rods in place using the hot glue gun. Seal the two holes so no water can pass through. Also glue the two wires to the tops of the rods sticking out
The carbon rod is now +
The foil is now -
Step 5: Your Done!
Fill the spice jar with a salt water mixture and place the lid back onto the spice jar. You are now done. The signal is very weak, But if you make more and connect them, you can make them stronger.
Just think of the limitless possibilities you can create with your own batteries. Not only do they work, they also reuse old dead batteries, preventing the creation of electronic waste.
If you enjoyed this instructables, please vote for this in the Green Electronics contest.