Introduction: Burbon Slushies

simple process yummy results for adults

Step 1: Ingredients

1 cup of sugar
1 qt ginger ale
1/2 can oj concentrated
1 can lemonade concentrated
4 tea bags
4 cups of water
3 cups of bourbon.

Step 2: Tea Brew

4 tea..bags... boil 4 cups of water make a strong tea brew

Step 3: Mix It Up

add sugar and mix until sugar is dissolved..Then add all of the other ingredients.

Step 4: Freeze'em Up

place in freezer roughly 6/7 hours. depending on size of container..

Step 5: Adult Beverage Time

remove from freezer let stand 10 minutes. Use table spoon to fill glad, nah woot fork to break up any ice chunks... serve with straw or spoon...enjoy
Summer Food and Drink Contest

Participated in the
Summer Food and Drink Contest