Introduction: Busy Meter
This Instructable will teach you how to make a machine that tells people how busy you are and shoos people away when you are busy.
This machine allows you to show how busy you are using three levels: not busy, a bit busy, and busy. The levels are shown with LEDs that have different colors. You can adjust the level by pressing the button. The machine uses an ultrasonic sensor that will sound an alarm when a person is too close to you when you are "busy".
Arduino Leonardo
Jumper wires
1x green LED
1x yellow LED
1x red LED
1x buzzer
1x button
1x ultrasonic sensor
4x resistors
Step 1: Assembling
Assemble the supplies according to the image shown. Make sure:
-Button is linked to d2
-Trig and echo of ultrasonic sensor is linked to d6 and d7
-Buzzer is linked to d8
-Green LED is linked to d10
-Yellow LED is linked to d11
-Red LED is linked to d12
Step 2: Coding
Here is the code I used tor this project:
Step 3: Decorating
Use a cardboard box (or other things you wish) to cover your work to make it look better.