Introduction: Butterfly Wreath

Step 1: Things You Need

-Old or New book pages
-Fine sharpie
-Foam Ring
-Water color Paints
-Hot Glue Gun

Step 2: Drawing Butterfly's

Draw butterfly's on the paper like so, be creative make them how you want.

Step 3: Highlighting

Then trace around the butterfly with a fine point sharpie. Don't make then perfect and it adds to the look!

Step 4: Cutting

Cut out each butterfly

Step 5: Adding Small Details

Draw all sorts of crazy designs on your butterfly's

Step 6: Paint!

Use your water colors to paint the butterfly's!

Step 7: Gluing!

Using a hot glue gun, glue all the butterfly's to the foam wreath!
Valentine's Day Contest

Participated in the
Valentine's Day Contest

Papercraft Contest

Participated in the
Papercraft Contest

Spring's Coming Contest

Participated in the
Spring's Coming Contest