Introduction: "CALL OF DUTY GHOSTS" Mask

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How to make your own Black Ops CALL OF DUTY GHOSTS Mask

Step 1: A Black Long Sleeve T-shirt

Look for a used black long sleeve Shirt and cut the sleeves ( XL or XXL Size for Adults )

Step 2: The Marker Line

Mark a line right on the middle and across were the eyes and nose will go. Preferred you put it on and make a dot on your eyes wit a marker.

Step 3: The Painting

1.) Cut a small circle were the eyes will go 2.) Look at the image of call of duty ghosts and freehand a outer line on the sleeve 3.) Put a 1/4 inch right on the middle of the sleeve and add two oval shape tape for the nose 4.) Paint with white Fabric Paint.

Step 4: The Ghosts Mask On

photo shoot of the Call of Duty Ghost Mask