Introduction: CATHARSIS

Catharsis is defined as the process of releasing, and thereby providing relief from, strong or repressed emotions. This definition is our inspiration to create a wearable that allows people to visualize their favorite performer feelings in a live concert.

Step 1: Output Selection

Usually, performances are at night or in a dark club. Because of that we decided to use LED's as outputs making easy the detection of the feelings we are gonna mesure.

Using LED's as outputs allows us to design a pattern and shock the people who sees this "light dance".

Step 2: Inputs Selection

Talking about feelings we decided to mesure two reactions of the body (cardiac pulse and proximity). For mesure this information we used a pulse sensor and an infrared sensor.

Step 3: Catharsis Wearable Components

Arduino Lylipad x2 (incorporated to the clothe)

Arduino 1 (information conversor )

Protoboard (conversion complement)

Jumpers (conversion complement)

Conductive thread (components connection on the clothe)

Clothe base

Pulse sensor (input)

Infrared sensor (input)

Lylipad LED's x 24 (outputs)

Step 4: Production Strategy

For wearables design we think Lilypad is the best option because its adaptability to clothes.

As our base is a (reflective flash) textile we decided to make a flexible circuit and for that reason we used conductive thread to connect all the components.

Step 5: Sewing Process

The electronic component used to connect all the components is the conductive thread because its adaptability to clothes and functionality to reduce cables.

In the front side are sewed the LED's to show the information read by the sensors and the Arduino Lilypads (x2) are connected in the backside situated at the spinal column to improve the wearable's comfort.

Step 6: Final Result - "Live in the Moment"

The result of this project is a concept wearable made to increase the sensorial relationships between the performer and the spectator.

The intention of the project is to create controversity talking about "anti technology - technology" due to the use of LED's to communicate emotions and the use of a reflective textile to avoid taking pictures (flashed image) during the performance.