Introduction: Calculator

I made a calculator in Python. It is 9-digit calculator and it can do addition, subtracting, multiplication, dividing and exponents. I made it because it is pretty exciting and useful. The full code is available here:


I used computer, keyboard, mouse, Wi-Fi, google, and instructables to do this project. For calculator i used Python online, variables, int and input commands. Also, I used commands if, elif, else. And command print to show the text. And some mathematical operations.

Step 1: Introduction

First of all, I made an introduction line using command print. The line tells what does the program do.

Step 2: Making Variables

Next what I made were variables. I made 3 variables. 2 of them for numbers, and the third one for the operations. I used commands int and input to request numbers and operation that the user wants to do. After this step we know user's numbers and operation, and we have variables for them.

Step 3: Defining Operations

Next step, I made the program to define what operation did the user choose and what to do with the numbers. For each operation I made a line what to do with the numbers. I used commands if, elif, and created variables.

Step 4: Defining Wrong Input

For the last step, I made two lines which defining wrong input. These lines works just in case if the user does not choose the correct operation or typed something else. For this step I used command else.