Introduction: Camp Commode(potty) Made for Less Then $10.00
A simple but useful commode for primitive camping conditions. This commode comes apart for easy transport and storage.
Step 1: The Camp Commode and 5 Gallon Bucket
One can use a 5 gallon bucket with this commode or dig a hole off somewhere in the woods.
Step 2: Camp Commode Broken Down in Parts for Transport
Step 3: To Make the Camp Commode
About 10 feet of 1" PVC pipe (est. 1.69)
8 1" elbows (est. .50)
4 1" T connectors (est. .59)
1 cheap toilet lid (about $5.00)
PVC glue
3 screws
Chop saw or hand saw.
Cut pieces
6 - 11 1/2 inches
4 - 6 inches
Glue elbows to each end four(4) 11 1/2 long pieces. Glue T connectors between two(2) 6 inches pieces. Assemble the pieces. The elbow piece goes with a T connector piece to make legs, you should have a square. The 11 1/2 piece join the T connectors together, joining the squares together. Then fasten the lid, either end will work. You have options here with the lid; lid on or off. I attached the seat with screws; I would suggest making pilot holes for the screws, two in the back and one in front, do what you think will work best. I marked the joints that are glued so you will remember that they do not come apart.
I had a bag made to store my camp commode in