Introduction: Can Table

About: You will not find one specific thing being made by me. I make a wide range of things. Ross
Ever wanted a nice, vibrant, colourful piece of furniture that wont break the bank?

Then want no more this simple, affordable table is perfect for you and the same method can be adapted for almost any piece of furniture.

This Instructable is a restoration, of sorts, on an old table which was saved from the going to the landfill.

Step 1: What You Will Need

Unfortunately I couldnt photograph the equipment you will need but it is nothing too complex so a picture shouldn't be necessary.

You will need:
Paint, any it's personal personal preferance here, I chose chalkboard black so it could be drawn on in chalk
Sandpaper, I find 100 grit is perfect
A paintbrush
All the usual gear for painting ( cleaning fluid, newspaper to keep things clean etc)
A donor piece of furniture or you could make your own
Cans , I can't really be exact here as no two will be the same but I ended up using ten, the table will look a lot better with a wide range of colours so I felt Barr cans were perfect as all the different flavours have a different bright colour
Adhesive of some sort, I used a fast setting tube of adhesive which is used with a caulking gun, but almost anything would work
Scissors, a blade or a tin opener, whatever you choose to use to cut your cans

Step 2: Getting Started

If your donor piece has a horrible finish or annoying plastic veneer on it unless you have a power sander you're in for quite a lot of sanding.

Please do not miss the sanding out, it is vital or the paint will not apply properly.

So after you've sanded your piece it should look something like it does in the first picture of this screen.

As you can see I never bothered sanding the top as the cans would be covering it.

Step 3: Painting

Pretty self explanatory this step.

You dont need to be Picasso to paint a piece of furniture and if you've never painted before I'm sure a quick internet search will enlighten you.

Three to four coats should do, allowing adequate drying time between coats.

If four isn't enough then apply more you want a nice, full, solid colour.

Step 4: Cutting the Cans

Obvious warnings here:
Blades are sharp be careful or you could cut yourself 
Cut edges of cans can be sharp be careful or you could cut yourself
Do not cut the can while it is full you could get wet

Anyways now hopefully we'll all be unhurt and dry,
First cut the tops and bottoms from the cans (as shown in picture two)
Second cut a line all the way top to bottom so you're left with a sheet of colourful metal (as in picture three)
Lastly,this is optional, cut each sheet in half to get a more colourful and exciting piece (as shown in picture four)

Step 5: Adhering the Cans

What would appear to be a simple step turned out to be the trickiest.

Basically you want to squirt or spray adhesive onto where you want to stick the cans, see images.

Over lap the cans ever so slightly so there is no gaps.

Scrape/wipe away excess glue which has leaked out.

Put some sort of weight on top of it and leave to dry.

Step 6: Finished

All there is left to do is put your new piece of furniture in a place for everyone to admire.

I'd love to see anyone's own versions of this so if you do make one leave me a quick comment with a picture if you want.

If you require any extra help you can comment or private message me.

Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed

Furniture Challenge

Participated in the
Furniture Challenge