Introduction: Candy Crush Birthday Cake

About: I design, draw, sketch, blog, sew, stitch, make, photograph, tweet, bake, cook, and love all kinds of pretty things.
Someone asked me to help make a chocolate birthday cake for his girlfriend who is addicted to playing the popular game Candy Crush. I thought it's a very cute idea to transfer that onto a cake. Pior to making this cake, I did a lot of research because I have never played this game (even though all my friends are pretty much obsessed with playing it)
I decided to make use of the Candy Crush logo and turned it into a Happy Birthday Whale message (Whale is a nickname of the gf)
I made my own fondant out of marshmallows and colour dyed them using colour gels. I shaped individual pieces into the different forms of candies as seen in the game. 
Made my buttercream and applied my fondant on top. I used a knife to lightly score brick lines to resemble the background and also made the cake board to match the theme.

This cake was very fun to make and I think it turned out great. The girlfriend loves it a lot.
Are you addicted to the game as well?

Happy Candy Crushin'

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Game.Life 3 Contest

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Game.Life 3 Contest