Introduction: Captain America Wing Hair Clips

About: Whether you just need the final touches on your enchanted castle, or your crew quarters need an overhaul to start feeling like home, I've got you covered.

You have to show your Captain America pride some how right?

Step 1: Gather Materials!

1. White Felt

2. Black or Navy Felt

3. Small and Large Scissors

4. Masking Tape

5. Tacky Glue

6. Strong Adhesive like E600

7. Two Large Hair Clips

8. Pattern (above, the wing should be 3 inches wide from flat side to the curve up)

Step 2: Follow Along With the Video

Hope you enjoy your new hair clips. I have had a ridiculous amount of fun running around with these puppies so far.

I would be grateful if you voted for me in the Hair and Make-up Contest.

If you feel like being extra awesome subscribing to my youtube channel by clicking here would also be appreciated.

Hair & Makeup Contest

Participated in the
Hair & Makeup Contest