Introduction: Card and Gift All in One

About: I am married with two children. Spring, summer, and fall are my very favorite times of the year. I enjoy working in the yard, sewing, cooking, quilting, gardening, and creating. I do this to keep my sanity.
Last month I was in Georgia visiting my daughter.We did some crafting together and she mentioned that she needed a sewing kit.This is what I came up with. It turned out so cute I wanted to share it here on Instructables. I designed it to be received as a greeting card and later used as a sewing kit. These turned out so cute I made several different designs using felt, cotton, yarn, and wool roving. The bodies were needle felted. Needle felting is a lot of fun and projects can be made quickly and easily. Utube has a lot of videos on needle felting. I did not have the right colors for the animal's bodies so I used yarn instead by carefully separating the threads to give it the roving texture.

Step 1: Different Versions

My original plan was to make a card using a Gypsy Vanner picture because my daughter is very fond of this breed, but horses are not an easy animal to work with.If you do not know what a Gypsy Vanner is here is a link:,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=d2da0653002da535&bpcl=38625945&biw=1536&bih=783

Here are the horses I made using the wool roving. I am still experimenting with them.  The red, yellow, and orange yarn were made with wool roving and the blue and white sections were made using regular yarn.I embroidered the outline and filled in the body and mane section with the roving.

After trying horses, I decided to make a card with schnauzers and cats instead. I was happier with the results.
These instructions are for the dog version but the cats are made almost the same way; except I used different embellishments and the back ground was formed by sewing blocks of fabric together.

Step 2: Supplies

1 Cotton fabric measuring 20 1/2 X 12 this will be the main part of the card or kit.
1 Iron on Interfacing (optional)  20 1/2" X 6 This will stabilize the card.
1 Contrasting cotton fabric 5" X 6" Pocket
1 Iron on interfacing 5" X 6" (optional) This will stabilize the pocket.
2 White  felt pieces 4 1/2" X 6" Bone
1 Piece of light weight cardboard 4 1/2" X 6"
2 Brown felt circles for the dog cookie.
1 Batting or cotton approx 4 1/2" X 6" This is for the filler inside the bone to make pin cushion.
2 Black ribbon 8" This will be the closure for the card.
1 Yarn or roving for the body of the dog. You don't need a full skein but I don't know how much to tell you. (scraps)
1 Small strip of contrast fabric 7 1/2" X 2 1/2"
Matching thread
Embroidery thread
Embroidery needle and hoop
Sewing needles
Felting needle
Very large needle to poke holes in envelope.
Felting block
Sewing pins
1 Small piece of contact paper to cover needle booklet.
1 Small Googly eye
Brown tube paint for paws
1 package of gum as shown. The empty box will become the needle booklet.
1 paint sample card or a piece of cardboard for the needle packet.
Several buttons for embellishments. I used dog bone buttons and 1 small button for the pocket.
1 decorative paper for the envelope.
Sewing notations to include in the gift card, needles, pins, thimble, tape measure, needle threader, and small scissors.

Step 3: Tools

Sewing machine or stitch by hand.
Iron/ Ironing board
Embroidery hoop
Pencil or pen
You may use embroidery iron on transfer pencils for the design.
Felting block this was listed on the supply list as well.
Felting needle this was listed on the supply list also.
Glue gun if using this type of glue.
Straight edge

Step 4: Cutting the Pattern

Draw the design you want or choose one from online. I used this link for the dog:
Fold the card fabric in half lengthwise and press.
Fold again to form the card.
Cut out the dog.
Center the dog picture on the fabric and trace around it.

Step 5: Interfacing

Press the interfacing to the wrong side of the fabric on the opposite edge where the dog and cookie, bone, and pocket will be sewn. Half of the card will not have interfacing.I did it this way so the interfacing did not interfere with the embellishments or hinder the hand work.

Step 6: Dog Bone

Make a dog bone pattern.
Cut it out.
Fold the white felt fabric in half.
Place the paper bone over the folded felt.
Pin into place.
Trace around the bone.
Cut the fabric bone out.
Repeat this process using the batting. I cut out 3 bones from the batting because my batting was thin.
Layer the batting between the felt bones.
Pin into place.
Machine stitch or hand sew around the outside edges.
Draw some paws on the bone.
Using the tube paint color the paws.
Set aside to dry.
Cut out 2 more bones, one from cardboard and one from paper. This will be used for the card message later.

Step 7: Dog Cookie

Cut out 2 round circles from the brown felt to make the dog cookie.
Cut out 2-3 round circles the same size from batting for the cushion.
On one felt circle sew a bone button in the center. I did this after I stitched the cookie together and it was more difficult.
Layer the batting circles between the felt circles and pin into place.
Stitch around the cookie as shown.

Step 8: Pocket

Iron the interfacing to the wrong side of the pocket.
Turn up the bottom edge of the fabric 4" to form the pocket.
Now make a small double hem.
Hand sew.
Machine stitch or hand sew the sides of the pocket as shown.
Trim loose threads.
Make a single narrow hem along the top and sides of the pocket flap with the iron.
Press into place and pin.
Fold the top section to from a triangle.
Hand stitch or glue the flaps.
Turn pocket right side out and press.
Hand sew a button to the pocket section of the fabric as shown.
Fold the flap where you want it and press.
Mark where the button hole should go.
Carefully make a slit for the button hole using the scissors.

Step 9: Needle Booklet

Cover the cardboard gum box with contact paper.
Fold a small paint chip sample in half trimming as necessary to fit inside (see picture.)
You will need to make 2 of these to hold the needles.
Cut 2 small pieces of black or brown felt that will be glued to the cardboard to secure the needles. See bottom note.
Fold the black ribbon in half and glue it to the center of the needle box as shown.

I only covered half the folded card with felt because I thought it would be too thick to insert into the slot, but you could cover the entire section on one side and I think it would look nicer.

Step 10: Embroider

Embroider the dog face, nose and tongue.
The whiskers did not show up so I would no do them.

Step 11: Needle Felting

Separate the yarn threads by removing the black thread that is twisted around the yarn.
Then using the roving needle separate the strands of yarn.
Using the roving block and roving needle; start filling in the inside of the lines as shown.
Place the block under the cloth and place the yarn next to the lines.
Using the needle in an upright position begin poking at the yarn through the fabric and into the block.
Repeat this process in a stabbing motion with the needle inserted close to the previous spot.
Poke poke poke poke and keep on poking until the yarn is packed tightly like a thick mat.
Videos are available on YouTube showing this method.
Disclaimer: The felting needle is very sharp and it really hurts to get poked. It has barbs that makes it very painful. Don't allow anyone to use a needle like this that may injure themselves. Please be careful!

Step 12: Eyes and Collar

Glue the eye.
Fold the collar strip in half lengthwise and press.
Open it up and fold each long side toward the center and press.
Fold the ends to form a point and press.
Fold it lengthwise again and press.
Hand sew the open seam.
Position the collar on the neck of the dog.
Glue or sew the collar to the neck as shown.
Sew on the dog bone button.

Step 13: Sew Embellishments

Fold the card back into shape and press on a low setting to crease the folds.
Arrange the cookie, pocket, and dog bone as shown and pin into place while you hand sew them to the fabric card.
Do not sew the seam where the message goes. This is the pocket for the card or bone. It actually has two pockets. One for the card and one for the sewing notations.


Step 14: Sew Sides

Open the card so it lays flat.
Fold it lengthwise with right sides together.
Mark center on both sides and pin the edge of the black ribbon so the ribbon is between the 2 layers of fabric centered on the edges so the ribbon will only be stitched at one end. I usually pin the excess towards the center of the fabric so I don't sew it incorrectly.
Sew both ends either by hand or machine.
Turn right side out and press. See bottom note.

I had to modify this step because I did not sew the ribbon at the same time I stitched the sides.

Step 15: Hem

Turn the bottom layers in to form a small hem and press.
Hand sew to make a nice finished edge. 
Trim loose threads and press hem section.
The page shown is the last page of the fabric card. I did not add any embellishments to this page because this is for my daughter and I thought she might want to add a pocket for crochet needles or what ever she wanted. 

Step 16: Paint Paws

Paint the paws on the fabric card as desired.
Allow to dry.
After they have dried fill the card with all the notations. 

Step 17: Card Envelope

 I thought it would be cute to make the envelope look like a hand tied quilt. I thought it turned out very cute.

Using a large needle punch holes in each corner of the blocks as shown.
Using embroidery thread and a needle carefully pull the thread through the holes on the address side of the envelope and tie 2 knots and trim excess thread.
Sew on a dog bone button.
Insert card.
I stapled the envelope shut but it would look better if you glued it. 
Paint some paws on the envelope and address it if you will be mailing it.
I would use a larger envelope padded with bubble wrap so the needle kit does not get crushed during shipping. 

Step 18: Sunshiine's Final Thoughts

The dog card is my favorite but the cats are cute also. There are so many different crafts you can make using needle felting. The fun part is they are quick to make if you already have a pattern! I hope this instructable has inspired you to make some beautiful greeting cards that will be used in a practical way for a few years!

I wish to thank Instructables and our wonderful sponsors for their support! Thanks for stopping by and have a beautiful day!