Introduction: Cardboard Circuit Prototyping

If you are like me, you usually don't have access to prototyping boards. If you need to make something quickly, or you are traveling, a quick hack I use is to build directly on cardboard.


Cardboard, circuit components.

Step 1: Prepare

I used a pin to punch out small holes in the cardboard, then inserted the pieces. Some types of cardboard are easier to puncture than others, so you may not need a pin. It helps to bend the leads down to hold it onto the board as well.

Step 2: Solder

As long as you take care to not burn the board, you can solder the components together directly or with jumper wires. I have not soldered the components in this instructable, as I am going to reuse these pieces.

Step 3: Conclusion

Cardboard may not be the best material for permanent projects, but when you only need to try something out, it can be a very good material to use. Thicker types of cardboard are easier to use and more resilient, but may require longer leads.