Introduction: Cardboard Smart Phone Cradle
While I'm at work, like a lot of people, I like to listen to music. For me as a packaging designer working in a studio with other designers, I have to wear headphones jacked into my smart phone if I want to listen. I really didn't have an affective way keeping my phone out of all the other clutter on my desk so I decided to make a little cardboard cradle/storage box.
This build is quite simple and fits iPhone 4 to iPhone 6 and has storage space below for ear buds or flash drives or ibuprofen, etc.
This is designed for the iPhone but a Galaxy phone would fit as well. If you don't want the logo just delete it or add a different design.
The phone resting area is 3.3in x 6.3in.
Step 1: Tools, Materials and Process
As a package designer I have access to some cool tools. One of those tools is a Kongsberg V cutting table which is basically a CNC cutting machine for cardboard. To go with it is packaging design software Artios CAD which will allow me to layout whatever box or package I'm working on and test fold it in 3D (check out both here: ) I have included the .ard file, as well as .ai (CS3). ARD files are native to Artios CAD, so if you have it then you can use it and change it as needed. The Illustrator file has the layout in vector, you can print this out as a template and trace it onto the cardboard to hand cut it.
Tools: (automated version)
1. Computer loaded with Artios CAD
2. Kongsberg cutting table
Tools: (hand build version)
1. Pencil
2. X-acto knife
3. Straight edge
1. 16in x 20in sheet of E32 E-flute, white on one side. ( I'm sure other types of cardboard would work, this is just what I used)
Step 2: The Fold
Folding the cradle is real easy.
1. Start by pre-bending all the folds. This will make it a lot easier as it starts to fold up by relieving the tension on the board.
2. Fold over the two long side first.
3. Fold over the front side.
4. Tuck in the top side and bring the top down tucking in the top front side.