Introduction: Carved Totem Earrings
Carved wood dowels and feathers are used to create these beautiful earrings!
Step 1: Gather Your Supplies.
Supplies needed:
· Tools for delicate carving: utility knife, pocket knife, electric rotary tools
· A ¾ inch wooden dowel
· Feathers
· Jewelry findings: for feathers/leather, jump rings, earrings, head pins
· Needle nose pliers and wire cutters
· Wood stain/wax, and small amounts of craft paint
· Colorful seed beads
· Lots of patience and a steady hand
Step 2: Carve Tabs.
I started by cutting notches on the ends of the dowel. When finished, I have a flat tab with a hole. The totem will be too thick to attach a common jump ring, so I carved the tab with a hole, to give me a way to attach the finished totem to an earring.
Step 3: Carve the Totems.
I lightly drew a totem design on each end of the dowel. I did not cut the totem off the top of the dowel, since it is easier to carve the totem while holding the dowel. Using knives and rotary cutters, I carved the totems.
Step 4: Finish the Totems.
After my carving was complete, I cut the totems off of the dowel.
The totems looked too new, and the carved details were fading into the wood. I added a light dab of dark tinted wax (any wood stain will also work), and rubbed it into the grain. Using a tiny brush, I added a little color, accenting the eyes and crevices.
Step 5: Finsh the Earrings.
Metal jewelry findings were added to the feather stems. A jump ring was added to each totem. I cut the head off of a head pin, curled the end to form a ring, threaded a few colorful seed beads, and added the totem. Two feathers and the beaded totem were added to each earring.
Step 6: Come Visit Us.
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