Introduction: Cauliflower Pizza Bottom

Pizza is probably the best thing mankind had ever invented. In this instructable we alter the standard recipe!


- 1 small cauliflower
- 1 egg
- 150 grams of shredded mozzarella

Let's get to it!

Step 1: Prepare the Cauliflower

Start by cutting the flowers of the cauliflower as small as possible. we will only use the flowers as the stems contain strands. You can keep these and make a nice soup!

Step 2: Cook the Cauliflower

Cook the cauliflower in a closed container in the microwave for 4 minutes at 900W.

Step 3: Remove the Excessive Water.

Lay the mixture out on a clean towel. Let it cool to the touch and squeeze all the water out. The dryer it is, the crunchier your pizza bottom will be. Look for the mixture to be crumbly and humid, not dripping wet.

Step 4: Finishing the Dough.

Add one egg and about 150 grams of shredded mozzarella. Mix it well until it looks and feels like normal dough.

Step 5: Spread the Dough.

Spread the dough on a non stick surface. This is the point where your preferences determine this step. The thinner you make it, the crunchier it will be!

Step 6: Baking Time!

now that the dough is finished, bake it in a preheated oven at 250 degrees Celsius for about 10 minutes.

Step 7: Add Topping.

Time to get Crazy! add your favorite topping and bake again for 5 minutes!

Step 8: Dinner Time!

Celebrate by eating the whole pizza on your own!
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