Introduction: Chai Infused Sugar

Great chai flavored sugar to add to your warm weather drinks or baking. Also makes a great gift.

Step 1: BoM

This recipe is written for easy increasing or decreasing. Also remember that your taste preferences will differ from mine. I like a spicy chai, so I use peppercorns. I think cardamon tastes like soap, so I'll use less of it and won't use ground because I want to be able to pick it out if the sugar is getting too cardamon-y for me.

1 cup sugar

1/2-1 cinnamon stick

4 whole cardamon pods (or 2 tsp ground)

4 whole star anise

1 tsp ground ginger

1/2 tsp ground nutmeg

4-8 whole cloves

4 whole peppercorns -optional

1/4 vanilla bean, split open -optional

Step 2: Prep Spices

Break up the cinnamon stick into slightly smaller pieces. This makes it easier to remove later and helps distribute the cinnamon. Grind up whatever spices need grinding, I don't don't do this because I want to be able to remove anything that is infusing quicker than the other spices.

Step 3: Combine

Add all of the ingredients to a bowl and stir.

Step 4: Infuse

Add the sugar and spices to an airtight container and let sit undisturbed for a week or two. Give a stir or shake before each use. As time goes on, you can add more sugar and spices to your container to keep the chai sugar from depleting.

Makerspace Contest 2017

Participated in the
Makerspace Contest 2017

Gluten Free Challenge 2017

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Gluten Free Challenge 2017