Introduction: Chain Maille Ring Maker Mini Sized
NOTE: This is for chain links that you want very small and for a tight weave!!!!!
This is my second instructable so feel free to comment about how well i did or if i didnt do a good job so i can improve if needed.
Step 1: WHAT YOU NEED!!!!
a peice of copper pipe(i prefer the L shape or T shape fitting it makes it last longer)
A Nail
Like those long and pretty thick nails it must be almost unbendable using bare hands
OR instead of a Nail you can substitute a metal rod your call
A hammer
A hack saw or some thing that can take the head off the nail. you can also use big bolt cutters
Super glue
A hitting surface i have a anvil so im set.
Step 2: Take the Head Off the Nail
IF you dont know what the head of a nail is then it is on the left side of my fingers
Step 3: Putting on the Copper Pipe
I used a copper pipe for the one on the opening page and its about to break at where its bent at a 90 degree angle so i would strongly suggest pipe fittings made of copper
ok first take the copper fitting and put it like the one in picture 1
NOW take it and hammer the copper flat so it makes a crank with the copper fitting
MAKE sure there is a space here like in picture #2 cause that is where you insert the wire.
The end result should look like picture #3(dont freak out i had one premade cause i have 2 for 2 different sizes)
Step 4: NOW the Super Glue
Put super glue here and apply it liberaly cause you dont want this slipping or coming loose.
Step 5: How to Make Chain Links
THIS video is easy to follow.
If you have to download this then sorry for the inconvenence(cant spell)
Step 6: This Is My Armor So FAR
A good site to visit to get alot of good pictures and weave instructions is here
just go to library and then go to weaves if you are a beginer to this art then start with european 4 in 1.
Hope you will find this helpful