Introduction: Cheap and Easy Solar Cooker
Here are the steps on making an easy and affordable solar cooker.
Step 1: Materials:
- Black Paint
- Paint Brush
- Plastic Wrap
- Aluminum Foil
- Any Box
Step 2: Painting the Box
- The very first step is to paint the entire box inside and outside black.
- Then you might wanna add another coat of black paint over it.
- By painting another coat of black it would absorb more heat, causing for the solar cooker to heat up faster.
Step 3: Cover Box With Aluminum
- Now what you want to do is cover the inside of the box with aluminum
- You can glue the aluminum on there like we did so it can stay there and not fall off.
Step 4: Placing Plastic Wrap
- Now, you want to place two sheets of plastic wrap over the box.
- You can tie the plastic wrap to the flaps of the box so it can hold.
- The plastic wrap helps to keep the heat inside the solar cooker.
Step 5: Now Get Cooking!
- Finally, you place your solar cooker in the sun so it can begin to heat up.
- By placing a thermostat inside helps keep track of the temperature of your solar cooker.