Introduction: Cheese Ball Prank

About: Web developer, completed online creativity course from standford university. My vision is to create 1 new idea daily to remain 365 days creative
My family is very much fond of cheese balls & they appreciate whenever I make it. Suddenly this idea came in my, instead of using cheese stuff, let us try with lemons and I hope it goes well.
I thought I would share the process & result here
I have tried to put the steps in pictorial way which is always easy to understand

Step 1: Ingredient Required

a. Lemon
b. Bread Slices
c. Bread Crum
d. Oil to fry

Step 2: Dip the Bread Slice Into Water and Squeeze It

Dip the bread slice into water and squeeze it

Step 3:

Keep the squeezed bread  layer below & lemon on the top, Cover the lemon with bread layer

Step 4:

Make a round ball as given below

Step 5:

Cover the lemon ball with bread crum and deep fry it

Step 6: Finally Cheese Ball Prank Is Ready

try and if you feel it is  a good idea. Pl vote for me

Step 7: How to Make Cheese Ball Prank

I have tried my best to present the steps in pics form and i feel it is very easy & fast to make balls.
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