Introduction: Cheese Ball Turtles

  These adorable turtles are such a fun way to change a snack from ordinary to extra fun! Of course kids love them, but so do adults. After all, we all have a bit of an inner kid that likes to have fun.
  There are so many options for decorating these little guys. I used what I had on hand, but couldn't help thinking about fun bright ones with colorful pieces of sweet pepper, or using pretzels for legs... use your imagination and see what you can come up with!

Step 1: Cheese Mixture

8 oz. cream cheese (preferably room temp so it mixes easier)
1/2 teaspoon worcestershire sauce 
1/4 teaspoon garlic salt
1/2 teaspoon Italian seasoning
1 cup shredded cheese

With electric mixer beat cream cheese until smooth. Add worcestershire sauce, garlic salt & Italian seasoning.  Remove beaters and mix in shredded cheese with a spoon until combined.  

Cover a plate with plastic wrap.

Shape in to 'turtles'  I used two table spoons/soup spoons and smoothed a heaping spoonful on one spoon & then pushed it off onto the plastic wrap with the other spoon.  

Chill in refrigerator while you prepare the turtle parts. 

Step 2: Turtle Parts

This is where you get to use your imagination!  

I used:
1 carrot
2 green onions
parsley flakes

Peel the carrot, then carve heads, legs & tails. Little pieces can be used for the shells.  
Cut chunks of green onion for the same thing.  
At this point I opened google found pictures of turtles to get an idea of how to shape the head.  :) 

Of course each turtle needs:
1 head
4 legs
1 tail

Make them a little longer then you need so that they stick in to the cheese mixture. 

Now you're ready to create turtles!

Step 3: Turtles

I thought about naming each one, but I won't bore you with that process.  Pretty much you just put them together however you wish.  Roll some in parsley flakes, mix colorful carrots with a bit of green lettuce leaf, let your kids help and each create their own friend!

Serve with crackers or veggie sticks.   Enjoy!