Introduction: Cheese Quesadilla

To make a cheese quesadilla you will need the following ingredients.

1. a nonstick pan

2. cooking spray

3. two flour tortillas (any size, but fajita works best)

4. your favorite shredded cheese (I'm using mozzarella)

Step 1: Step 1: Turn on the Stove to Medium and Spray Your Pan

Step 2: Step 2: Add One Tortilla to the Pan

Step 3: Step 3: Add Two Handfuls of Cheese to the Tortilla

Step 4: Step 4: Place Your Second Tortilla on Top of the First Tortilla and Cheese

Step 5: Step 5: Flip the Quesadilla

Step 6: Step 6: Allow the Quesadilla to Brown on the Second Side and the Cheese to Melt

Step 7: Step 7: Remove the Quesadilla From the Pan and Cut Into Fourths

Step 8: Step 8: Plate the Quesadilla and Enjoy!