Introduction: Chicken & Waffle Fry Pizza

The following is a recipe for a Chicken and Waffle Fry Pizza. It is a versatile pizza that can be made with any assortment of toppings. The materials and ingredients are simple and it is possible for anyone to make!


All materials and ingredients can be purchased at a local grocery store.

  • One 12 inch pizza crust
  • One 8 oz sauce of your choice! (We recommend honey mustard, barbeque, or polynesian)
  • 4.5 oz of fully cooked waffle fries (Cut into smaller pieces, if desired)
  • 6 oz of fully cooked fried chicken nuggets (Cut into smaller pieces, if desired)
  • One 7 oz bag of Mozzarella cheese
  • Non-stick pizza pan
  • Ladle or spatula
  • Oven
  • Oven mitts
  • Pizza cutter

Step 1: Before You Proceed

Safety Concerns

  • Be very careful when placing the pizza in and out of the oven. The oven is very hot and individuals can be burned if they are not careful.
  • Always cut away from your body to avoid injury.
  • When using fried chicken nuggets and waffle fries be sure that they are fully cooked prior to placing them on the pizza.

Allergy Concerns

  • Some pizza crusts may contain gluten, individuals who are sensitive to this should use a gluten free crust.
  • Individuals who are lactose intolerant can use a substitute cheese. This will not change the instructions.
  • Some fried chicken may be cooked in peanut oil.

Choice of Products

  • A vegetarian alternative can be used! Simply replace the fried chicken with a soy product.

Step 2: Preheat Oven to 400 Degrees Fahrenheit

Step 3: Open the Pizza Crust and Place on the Pizza Pan

Step 4: Open the 8 Oz Sauce Packet and Use the Ladle (or Spatula) to Spread It Onto the Pizza Crust Evenly.

Step 5: Spread the 6 Oz of Fried Chicken Nuggets and 4.5 Oz of Waffle Fries Evenly on Top of the Sauce.

Step 6: Scatter the 7 Oz of Mozzarella Cheese on Top of the Pizza, Covering the Entire Area.

Step 7: Ensure That Oven Has Reached 400 Degrees. If It Has Not Wait Until It Has Pre Heated Fully and Then Continue to Step 7.

Step 8: Put on Oven Mitts and Carefully Place Pizza With Pan Into the Oven.

Step 9: Bake for 12 Minutes or Until the Cheese Has Melted.

Step 10: Using the Oven Mitts, Take the Pizza Out of the Oven.

Step 11: Let Pizza Sit on the Stove or Cooling Rack for 5 Minutes to Cool.

Step 12: Using the Pizza Cutter, Slice the Pizza in Your Desired Size and Enjoy. Eat Your Delicious Pizza!