Introduction: Chocolate Topped Cookies

About: Hi, i'm Momina! I love all types of things including crafts, paper, baking and many other fields.

You're getting bored.

It's raining and you can't go outside.

So what do yo do?

You make the cookies I'm going to tell you in this ible.

Go for it!

Step 1: The Dough..

These cookies use the exact same dough I used in the ice-cream cupcakes.

you can take the recipe of the dough from this link here:

The only extra thing you will need is some nice, warm, molten chocolate.

Half for the cookies, and half for you to eat raw..

Step 2: The Cookies

Grease your cookie plate with a little oil.

drop a glob of the dough on the plate. Make sure to put enough space between the cookies so that they don't stick to each other while baking.

Step 3: The Chocolate Part

Using your finger make a whole in the cookie as shown in the picture.

add enough chocolate to fill the hole.

Complete all the cookies like this..

Step 4: Baking Time!

Now just shove the cookies in the oven!

i'm not mentioning the time or temperature because your ovens may be different than mine and your cookies may get a different texture.

Step 5: Chomp Gobble Slurp!

Once your cookies get a nice golden colour take them out of the oven and let them cool completely.

And in a minute you'll get the empty plate back!

Please vote for this in the baking contest if you like this! ^.^
