Introduction: Cinnamon French Toast

About: I have been sewing and crafting for several years, my children are grown so now I have lots of time to be creative. I enjoy photography, cooking, cake decorating, painting and sharing my projects with others.
I've always loved French Toast, sometimes I even make it for dinner. My daughter and I found a lovely loaf of swirled cinnamon bread at the grocery store and we thought it would make some delicious French Toast.

Step 1: Ingredients

1 cup milk
3 eggs
1 loaf cinnamon swirl bread
powdered sugar

If you just want to make a few pieces, mix 1 egg and 1/3 cup of milk together.

Of course you can make this with regular bread, just add 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon to the egg mixture, but I find that sometimes the cinnamon doesn't get evenly distributed. Making french toast with bread that has the cinnamon already baked into it, you are assured that there will be cinnamon in every bite.

Step 2: Mix Eggs and Milk

In a medium sized mixing bowl, with a fork, mix together 3 eggs and 1 cup of milk for about 2 minutes, until thoroughly combined.

Step 3: Melt Margerine

Melt 1 tablespoon margerine in frying pan over medium heat.

Step 4: Dip the Bread

Take one slice of cinnamon swirl bread and dip it in the egg mixture, immediately turn it over to coat completely. Do not allow the bread to sit in the mixure for more than a few seconds. It will become soggy and you won't be able to remove it in one piece.

Step 5: Cook the Bread

Place 2 slices at a time in the frying pan over the melted margerine. Cook for 2-3 minutes on each side, until browned. Remove from pan and repeat with 2 more slices, add more margerine as needed to prevent sticking. Continue to cook until either you run out of bread or egg mixture.

Step 6: Finished Product

You can sprinkle some powdered sugar over the top when you serve it like we did or eat with syrup.

There were about 8 slices of french toast left over, so what we did was place them on a cookie sheet, not touching each other, and put it in the freezer for an hour or 2 until frozen. Then placed the slices in a freezer bag and put that back in the freezer. This step prevents the french toast from sticking to each other and allows us to remove only as many slices as we want. You can heat these up in the toaster.  
Father's Day Contest

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