Introduction: Cleaning Rapidograph Reusable Pens

About: US / TX cosplayer 💗 current builds: 🟣 Cloud dress, Pokemon kimono & Hello Kitty Loki 💗 lover of texture, color & anything else that blows my kilt.
Cleaning Rapidograph HELL made easy:
  • Windex
  • 1/4 cup Windex solution
  • Place whole nibs with ink well separated into solution
  • Use Q-Tip to rub the Windex solution inside the plastic ink well. Ink comes off pretty quickly. Wash out with water
  • Unscrew main black plastic housing from around the main inside nib component
  • Swished a bit and within 10 seconds it breaks up quickly
  • Shake the main nib component until the nib bit starts to go back and forth
  • Rinse hot water and hit Windex again until satisfied

I have to use the super permanent ink (film) for the inking I do. So when it dries it is absolute hell to clean.

I cannot tell you how many years I spent using all sorts of garbage. I have used alcohol, 2nd degree burn worthy hot water, soap, oscillators, special Rapidograph cleaning solution, I could go on and on.

I found a random post one day a few months back mentioning using good old fashion Windex. I got off my lazy butt  and decided to give it a go. I am not kidding. 10 seconds and the thing was coming off, unwinding and shaking free ink debris.

They are perfect.