Introduction: Clear Your IPhone Storage

When upgrading your phone, most people stick to iOS and the same storage space, so over time that becomes a problem. However,for you on ios it is easy to quickly free storage by doing things like moving photos to a different application and deleting unused apps. This Instructable will show...

To see how much storage you have, go to Setting~General~IPhone storage

Step 1:


Before going into anything big by deleting apps is the easiest way to start clearing storage is uploading your photos into Google Photos.

A)Open your app store and look up Google Photos.

B)Download and install the app

C)Once downloaded, open the app and sign in or create a new Google account (its free)

D)When logged into the app, turn on backup and sync which will be visible in the apps settings. Keep wifi network on to make sure the process is sped up.

E)Click on the assistant located in the menu to double check if your photos and videos are uploading.

Then wait awhile for your photos to be synced in the app Once it says done, log into google photos on a computer or laptop with the same credentials you used for the application. Once you're in, make sure all your photos and videos are in there before you delete all your photos from the photo app.

Step 2:

2. It's a sad thing that ios doesn't have any way to delete all the photos at once. So here's how to do so in the google photos app.

Go to “setting” in menu located at the top left In free up storage, tap free up space and follow the steps to finish task.

Step 3: Otherways to Clear Storage

1.Another way to free up some storage is deleting music off of your IPhone. If you use apple music, it generally takes up a lot of storage from your IPhone. An easy way to get rid of the unused storage is to delete albums and songs you don't currently listen to at the moment. If you use apple music, you could always just go back and download newer music and delete the old.

Speaking of music, you could also just add songs to your library without downloading and just listen to the songs using mobile data or wifi.

2.If you are a social media user you could also free storage with those apps. You can free storage using Snap chat, Instagram and so on.

Freeing storage on snap chat: Remembering your login information is very important. Delete the Snapchat application and re download it from the app store. This process clears up extra parts of the app that isn't used. In the app, you could also clear your cache which is located close to the bottom of your Snapchat setting. You can choose certain things to clear or clear all.

Freeing storage on Instagram
Open Instagram

1.)Go to your profile and tap setting

2.)Turn off save original photos

Step 4:

Free storage just on the IPhone

a)Tap and hold down onto an app and wait for them to jigle

b)Then delete unused apps

Step 5:

Today you have hopefully learned how to free up some storage on your IPhone. We have deleted photos from the IPhones photo app and uploaded them to google photos. We have also deleted music off your IPhone or offload those songs you don't listen too. We have gone through your social media and apps on your phone you don't use.

Thank you for reading and hope this helped in some way.