Introduction: Clip Is a New Way of Creating the Old Clips We Are Used To. No More Plastic Clips, No More Disposable Goods, This Clip Stands for a Product That Lasts

Re-inventing a classic clip ...

Ever since the beginning of the industrialisation era, like many other household objects, the clothes pins has suffered from loss of quality in quantity. While this may not qualify for a "global disaster" title, to some of us may matter the lost quality once part of daily life. One of the most iconic forms of clothes pin, the classic wooden "doll" had become an object of art and luxury due to it's rareness and process of production.

The Clipppp was intended to reinvent the classic pin by new means and techniques. One piece of wood with square section is machined on both side with extreme precision to form this bi-polar multipurpose clip. You may use it for your laundry or closing half emptied packs or just as a jacket pin,it matters not, I hope you like it...

Step 1:

The Clipppp was intended to reinvent the classic pin by new means and techniques. One piece of wood with square section is machined on both side with extreme precision to form this bi-polar multipurpose clip. You may use it for your laundry or closing half emptied packs or just as a jacket pin,it matters not, I hope you like it...

Pocket Sized Contest

Participated in the
Pocket Sized Contest

Instructables Design Competition

Participated in the
Instructables Design Competition

Holiday Gifts Contest

Participated in the
Holiday Gifts Contest