Introduction: Cloudy Dessert

About: Hobbyist and amateur aerospace engineer by day animator by night, when it comes to animating I typically lean towards stop motion.

Today I developed a new kind of dish, it can be fluffy or creamy depending on how you prepare it.


You'll need all-purpose flour, cream cheese, almond milk, eggs, and your choice of sugar.

Step 1: Egg Whites

Crack and separate three eggs and separate the whites, egg whites tend to cook fluffier than yolks included.

Step 2: Milk

pour 1/2 a cup of almond milk into the egg white

Step 3: Sugar

Put four tbsp of your sweetener into the mix

Step 4: Cream Cheese

add two tbsp of Cream Cheese

Step 5: Blender

Pour everything into the blender and set it on high, this is to blend as much air in as possible.

Step 6: Flour

pour the mix into a bowl and mix flour until smooth

Step 7: Cook

For a sponge cake, cook in a small microwavable dish in the microwave for 1 to 2 minutes. For a custard pancake, cook in a frying pan with a lid until it is fully cooked.