Introduction: CoPiino Runs Small I2C OLED Display

About: Electronics is great!

There are projects where I want to attach a small display for quickly figuring out the current state. A pretty good example is my recent project "CoPiino Humidity Control".

It is brilliant to have a website showing all recent charts of temperature, humidity and so. but sometimes you really need a quick update when passing by the control unit. So a small display is a - must have :)

The scope of this tiny instructable is showing how to run an OLED display on the CoPiino.

Step 1: Background

There are many displays out there. I did focus on price and easy connections.

The display I used came from ebay

Libraries which work out of the box with CoPiino can be found here

Here are two options for SSD1306 libraries

  • GeekOnFire (simpler)
  • Adafruit

Both ways are described in more detail.

Step 2: GeekOnFire Lib (option 1)

Step 1: Open Browser and navigate to your CoPiino

Step 2: Create a new sketch "GOF I2C OLED"

Step 3: Upload the GeekOnFire library files to your current sketch

Step 4: edit sketch (use attached *.ino files)

Step 4: Compile and run!

=> done

Step 3: Adafruit Demo (option 2)

Step 1: Open Browser and navigate to your CoPiino

Step 2: Create a new sketch "Adafruit I2C OLED"

Step 3: Upload the adafruit library files to your current sketch

Step 4: edit sketch (use attached *.ino files)

Step 4: Compile and run! => done


Step 4: Customize

As we have the library running together with some demo display data. We can start to modify the shown display data to meet our needs.

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