Introduction: Coconut Bon Bons

About: I have been sewing and crafting for several years, my children are grown so now I have lots of time to be creative. I enjoy photography, cooking, cake decorating, painting and sharing my projects with others.
If you like coconut and chocolate, you're going to love this candy! My Mother used to make this at Christmas time when I was a child and I always looked forward to helping her. That was several years ago and we didn't have access to melting chocolate. Instead the original recipe called for a package of chocolate chips and 1 block of parrafin wax. (For candle making)  We didn't know that we weren't supposed to eat wax. Oh well...Those were the good old days.
The Pecans are optional but I wouldn't think of making it without them.

Step 1: Ingredients

1 can sweetened condensed milk, 14 ounces
14 ounce package shredded coconut
1 stick butter, 4 ounces
2 pound bag powdered sugar
5 ounces chopped pecans (optional)
2 packages melting chocolate for dipping, you can make 1/2 with milk chocolate and the other 1/2 with dark chocolate.
6 ounces white chocolate chips (optional)

Step 2: Mix Butter, Milk and Powdered Sugar

In a large bowl blend together with a mixer the stick of butter with sweetened condensed milk. Add the entire bag of powdered sugar. Mix thoroughly. 

Step 3: Add Pecans and Coconut

Add the chopped pecans and coconut to the powdered sugar mixture. Mix well with hands or large wooden spoon. Place bowl in the refridgerator for at least an hour.

Step 4: Shape Into Balls

Shape into balls about 1-1/2" or the size of walnuts. Put on a plate and place in the refridgerator for an hour to harden.

Step 5: Dip in Melted Chocolate

Melt the chocolate in a double boiler (or place a small saucepan inside a larger one and put water in the larger pan.) Pick up each piece of candy with a toothpick, one at a time and dip in the melted chocolate. You may need to use another toothpick to push the candy off the first toothpick. Place on wax paper, allow to set. If you want to melt the white chocolate and drizzle it over the candy, that adds a nice touch, but I don't usually do this.  

Step 6: Place the Candy in Airtight Containers

Cut circles of wax paper to fit inside tins. Carefully place candy inside tins and put the lids on. These are wonderful to give at the Holidays.
Candy Contest

Participated in the
Candy Contest