Introduction: Command Prompt on Any Windows Computer

Command Prompt is arguably the most important thing on Windows. Schools often block Command Prompt in the start menu and also deny access to it once you have figured out how to start it. I will show you how to get Command Prompt and, if it is blocked, i will show you how to make a simple batch file that will serve as Command Prompt.

Step 1: Starting Command Prompt

There are a couple of different ways to start Command Prompt. One way is to click start, then click start and type in "cmd" without the quotes. If your school doesn't have run in the start menu than you can create a shortcut to it by right clicking on the desktop (not an icon) and clicking New -> Shortcut. Where it says "Type the location of the item" type in "cmd", without the quotes. Then, in the next screen, type in a name for it such as "Command Prompt", or you can just leave it as "cmd.exe."

Step 2: Making Your Own Command Prompt

If neither of the things I listed in the last step worked or, when you started Command Prompt, it gave you the message "You do not have the privilege to use Command Prompt" or something similar to that, you can always make a batch file. The batch file is really very simple. Open Notepad and type this in:
@echo off
title Command Prompt
set /p command="%cd%>"
goto top

After you have done this click File -> Save As... and save it as Command Prompt.bat or whatever else you want but make sure you save it with a .bat extension. Also, when you save it click the drop-down box below the file name and change the setting from Text Document (*.txt) to All Files. This is very important, for if you do not do this you won't have anything except a text file which will do nothing.

Step 3: There You Go

That is all you have to do to get command prompt at school or anywhere else you want it. I have the file here for you to download. It looks exactly like the real Command Prompt because I copied everything at the top of Command Prompt when you start it. I hoped you liked it and please leave comments if this was helpful to you. Message me if you would like to see make any more Instructables.
