Introduction: Compiler Bro's (Indie Games)

About: ! Error 404 !

Compiler Bro's :

Playing game is so much fun ........but making it ??? Is a question to be asked on Quora :) Building Game is a perfect exercise to put in your coding skills and knowledge and not everyone builds a game... I have self learned unity for almost a 6 months now and have developed some few games and most of them area a mod of some games but still it taught me something new and awesome !!!!!

Link to my Games Arena


  • UNITY GAME ENGINE (don't worry it's free)
  • A desktop or a laptop ( my laptop : Amazon )
  • Patience :)

Step 1: Rider Frenzo

Genre : Racing,Physics based Game,Stunts and tricks.

The game is a replica of an awesome game made by ketchapp company ,
it's the rider game ............I have modified in my own way and the idea is to collect more coins and land on your wheels and always remember to wear an helmet!! :) I'm still developing this game into a complete new version and new concepts but just this my first release of prototype.

Credits to: Brackey's for their tuts.

Thanks to for awesome bgm.

It was an awesome experience building this game and of course it brought me much closer to unity engine!!

Click here to download the game

Step 2: Jalebie.Inc

" Keep in Touch to Win "

Genre : Survival and multiplayer...

My aim was to make a multiplayer game where I could expand the reunion of cousins and friends and it is so much challenging to develop as i had not seen enough of Multiplayer Score System and forced me to develop my very own score system.

The game is inspired by Curve Fever. It is a local multiplayer
survival game(demo version) .Beat your friend in the awesome saga of wining the crown.And be careful while trying the power ups not all are meant to improve your status.

And don't forget to have a chai and jalebi.

Happy gaming :)

The Goal :

"Keep in touch to win"

It is a demo game and more levels will be coming soon , so stay tuned.

Player Controls :

Bluie ; A and D

Tango : Left arrow and Right arrow.

Disclaimer : At first the level may load a bit slower after that the game would be loading sooner.

Please report a glitch and give your review on improvements and no single player.

Credits :

Thanks to Brackeys for giving such an awesome tutorials.

Thanks to for awesome BGM's


Vector Arts :

This is the most fun and my favorite game and I'm still working on it to develop better!! And of course it highlights the heritage of India and more levels will be added soon and even more characters also...!!

Test the game here !!

Step 3: Contact Me !!

" Look before you move "

Genre : Arcade and Survival.

Thanks to BRACKEYS for the idea............It's a classic Arcade Style Game.

The Game is a simple straight forward evade and escape type. It's a mod over hyper casual games and relaxing game.

Let's see who can beat my highscore of 272!!!!!

Also the game is supported with joystick........!!!!


New Game Mechanics with level shifter try to survive in the game!!

The Game May Stuck @ Starting due to loading.......Don't panic it's only one time process....

Controls :

A & D or Arrow keys

Also Joystick Support (Seems silly for a small game )!!


Music Credits :

Try the game !!

Games Contest

Participated in the
Games Contest