Introduction: Controlling DC Motors With the L298N Using CloudX Microcontroller
In this project we'll explain how to use our L298N H-bridge to increase and decrease speed of DC motor. The L298N H-bridge module can be used with motors that have a voltage of between 5 and 35V DC.
There is also an onboard 5V regulator, so if your supply voltage is up to 12V you can also source 5V from the board.
These L298 H-bridge dual motor controller modules are inexpensive and available HERE
Step 1: Components
- CloudX microcontroller
- CloudX Softcard
- V3 USB cable
- L298N H-bridge
- Breadboard
- Jumper wires
- DC motor
- 10k resistor
- 4* push Button
you can online here
Step 2: Circuit Diagram
follow the circuit up
Step 3: Code
copy this code to your CloudX IDE
#include <CloudX/M633.h><br>#include <CloudX/PWM.h>
signed char i , j; bit flag;
setup(){ //setup here for(i=1; i<5; i++){ pinMode(i , INPUT); } PWM1_Init(5000); PWM2_Init(5000); PWM1_Start(); PWM2_Start(); PWM1_Duty(0); PWM2_Duty(0); i=j=0; loop(){ //Program here if( !readPin(1) ){ delayMs(200); if(flag==0){ PWM1_Duty(i); PWM2_Duty(0); } if(flag==1){ PWM2_Duty(j); PWM1_Duty(0); } flag = ~ flag; } if( !readPin(2) ){ delayMs(200); if(flag==1){ //i -= 10; i--; if(i <= 0) i=0; PWM1_Duty(i); PWM2_Duty(0); } if(flag==0){ //j -= 10; j--; if(j <= 0) j=0; PWM2_Duty(j); PWM1_Duty(0); } } if( !readPin(3) ){ delayMs(200); if(flag==1){ //i += 10; i++; if(i >= 100) i=100; PWM1_Duty(i); PWM2_Duty(0); } if(flag==0){ //j += 10; j++; if(j>=100) j=100; PWM2_Duty(j); PWM1_Duty(0); } }
if( !readPin(4) ){ delayMs(200); PWM1_Duty(0); PWM2_Duty(0); i=0; j=0; }